-- Network Working Group                                       M. St. Johns
-- Request for Comments: 1414                      US Department of Defense
--                                                                  M. Rose
--                                             Dover Beach Consulting, Inc.
--                                                            February 1993
--                            Identification MIB


                  FROM RFC-1212
              tcpConnLocalAddress, tcpConnLocalPort,
              tcpConnRemAddress, tcpConnRemPort
                      FROM RFC1213-MIB;

          ident   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 24 }

          -- conformance groups

          identInfo       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ident 1 }

          -- textual conventions

          -- none

          -- the ident information system group
          -- implementation of this group is mandatory

          identTable OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  SEQUENCE OF IdentEntry
                  ACCESS  not-accessible
                  STATUS  mandatory
                      "A table containing user information for TCP

                      Note that this table contains entries for all TCP
                      connections on a managed system.  The
                      corresponding instance of tcpConnState (defined in
                      MIB-II) indicates the state of a particular

                  ::= { identInfo 1 }

          identEntry OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  IdentEntry
                  ACCESS  not-accessible
                  STATUS  mandatory
                      "User information about a particular TCP
                  INDEX   { tcpConnLocalAddress, tcpConnLocalPort,
                            tcpConnRemAddress, tcpConnRemPort }
                  ::= { identTable 1 }

          IdentEntry ::=
              SEQUENCE {
                  identStatus     INTEGER,
                  identOpSys      OCTET STRING,
                  identCharset    OCTET STRING,
                  identUserid     OCTET STRING,
                  identMisc       OCTET STRING

          identStatus OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  INTEGER {
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                      "Indicates whether user information for the
                      associated TCP connection can be determined.  A
                      value of `noError(1)' indicates that user
                      information is available.  A value of
                      `unknownError(2)' indicates that user information
                      is not available."
                  ::= { identEntry 1 }

          identOpSys OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..40))
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                      "Indicates the type of operating system in use.
                      In addition to identifying an operating system,
                      each assignment made for this purpose also
                      (implicitly) identifies the textual format and

                      maximum size of the corresponding identUserid and
                      identMisc objects.

                      The legal values for the `indentOpSys' strings
                      are those listed in the SYSTEM NAMES section of
                      the most recent edition of the ASSIGNED NUMBERS
                      RFC [8]."
                  ::= { identEntry 2 }

          identCharset OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..40))
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                      "Indicates the repertoire of the corresponding
                      identUserid and identMisc objects.

                      The legal values for the `identCharset' strings
                      are those listed in the CHARACTER SET section of
                      the most recent edition of the ASSIGNED NUMBERS
                      RFC [8]."
                  ::= { identEntry 3 }

          identUserid OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                      "Indicates the user's identity.  Interpretation of
                      this object requires examination of the
                      corresponding value of the identOpSys and
                      identCharset objects."
                  ::= { identEntry 4 }

          identMisc OBJECT-TYPE
                  SYNTAX  OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..255))
                  ACCESS  read-only
                  STATUS  mandatory
                      "Indicates miscellaneous information about the
                      user.  Interpretation of this object requires
                      examination of the corresponding value of the
                      identOpSys and identCharset objects."
                  ::= { identEntry 5 }